Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 3: Can You Listen to Music and Write? What Song Did you Hear Today?

Yes, I can listen to music and write. I listen to music and write regularly.

My disclaimer for today's prompt is this prompt seems a bit weak to me. I'm unsure how much I can elaborate on this one. Bear with me. 

I find when I write, I feel suddenly driven to listen to music.  It helps.  get the brain juices flowing.

In recent days, I have been listening to the new Coldplay CD Mylo Xyloto (no I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce that) the song Charlie Brown is my favorite... take a listen...

I'm unsure of the mournful lyrics, I'd think Chris Martin (lead singer of Coldplay) would not have anything mournful to sing about after all isn't he married to Gwyneth Paltrow?  Why the mournful lyrics when you are married to one of the most beautiful women in the world?  No idea.  Maybe it's because they named their daughter Apple and their son Moses.  "Hey Mo! How's Apple?" I digress.

Regardless, it serves to feed my melancholy state of mind that seems to ebb and flow, especially when I look at the laundry pile, or take a gander out my window this day to sloppy dripping snow everywhere.  

I wish I lived in Arizona, the high today in Phoenix is  81 and sunny.  With not a chance of snow.  

For now lets take this out on a happy note, crank up your speakers!  

The Indigo Girls always make me smile.  

Good news too, I'm closer to fine every day.

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